Beginning July 2024, a 6 month mentorship to embrace….

Trauma-Informed Nutrition

This program marries somatics, self-connection, and food to deepen the relationship between nutrition, trauma recovery and health.

I can't imagine a greater gift than knowing how to navigate food.⁠

Food is a being. Food is the land. Eating is a relational, intimate experience.

Most of us with trauma know that we have ruptures with human relationships, but what about with the food we eat?

Seeing food as a powerful ally means experiencing how it can help us become embodied when experiencing stress or recovering from trauma, rather than as something we use to numb and avoid feelings.⁠

When you feed yourself…

Your body is learning about the land where that food comes from.⁠ It’s learning what nutrients it can use to support your life.⁠

And it’s learning what cannot be used, what you don’t need, or what might even harm you.⁠

Eating is a relational experience. It’s like a conversation between your body and the food.⁠

Notice this for yourself. Notice how it FEELS in your body when you haven't eaten, and then when you finally eat something that isn't steeped in sugar.⁠

Sometimes, managing stress and healing trauma is simply about maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.⁠ From there, your body will have more capacity to experience stress, disappointment, pain, and even joy.⁠

Instead of asking the questions: "What's wrong with me?" try to ask the question "When was the last time I ate?"

Over the course of this program, you will learn:

  • Understand how food affects your body and why you crave what you do, allowing you to create a kinder relationship with your food and food habits.

  • To view nutrition through a practical and somatic lens so you can use it as a tool to regulate your nervous system, emotions, and health.

  • To tell the difference between emotional cravings and the body's instinctual way to fill a nutritional need.⁠

  • Inflammation’s role in navigating your body’s NO and how to listen to it.

  • How your blood sugar, adrenaline, dopamine levels — not to mention many other hormones — are all impacted by your relationship to food.

6 months gives us enough time to see and feel changes.

This group is for…

  • Nutritionists that wish to marry their practices with somatics and become more trauma-informed.

  • Individuals who wish to balance their weight in a slow, holistic way. This means gaining or losing weight depending on your body’s needs.

  • People who want to learn about the connection between organ health, nutrition, and stress/trauma.

  • Individuals struggling with disordered eating who require a trauma-informed lens around nutrition that is non-dogmatic and non-judgmental.

  • Anyone wanting to learn how to stop soothing with food.

You don't need a lot of money to do this.

I don't obsess over superfoods or supplements.⁠

It’s the simplest choices and shifts in diet
which have the largest impacts.⁠


I started working with Luis in 2014 after getting off of hormonal birth control and realizing my body was struggling to regulate naturally.

I am eternally grateful for all of the wisdom Luis shared at that time that has made me healthier, stronger and full of much more vitality.

A decade later, I know the foundation that he helped me lay keeps me feeling vibrant and healthier in my mid-40s than I ever did in my 20s. Having these habits and feeling so much more connected to my body and grounded has been transformational.”

— Holly Howard

You will receive:

This also includes breakout time with other participants for more intimate, peer support.

We will also provide a list of vetted 1:1 practitioners that apply somatics & nutrition to their practices as well as video practices and prompts throughout.

You have the option of meeting each week for 6 months if you want to get the most support, or coming less often and watching replays if you need to miss some of the sessions.

  • 2 x 90-minute monthly meetings led by Luis

  • A monthly 1 hour Q&A w/ Luis

  • A monthly 1 hour integration session led by Camille

  • Weekly support on our private, online Circle forum.

  • Monthly, supportive video & written prompts.

    The cost is $900 USD for a one-time payment, or $150 per month for 6 months.

Who is Luis?

I once had a full-time private practice that was 100% nutrition based - way before I began studying and working with trauma.

I learned from this how biochemical our moods are and how much our blood sugar plays a part in our ability to think clearly, have capacity for difficult moments, and regulate after stressful events.⁠

In our house we have a rule that we discuss nothing of importance if we are hungry or tired.⁠

We see food as a powerful ally to help us become embodied when experiencing stress or recovering from trauma, rather than something we use to numb and avoid our feelings with.⁠

Working with Food Brings Resistance.

Fear of scarcity, rigidity with diets and guidelines, getting in touch with sensations that show up when we don’t soothe with food. All of this can be scary and hard. That’s why we’re doing it together, slowly.

I am a trained trauma therapist, and have personally recovered from a 15+ year eating disorder, so I know very well how triggering food can be. I will be holding this space with gentle care, compassion, and giving you lots of tools to hold yourself throughout.

Camille, our Community Manager, will be supporting you and answering your questions on Circle throughout the week. She’ll also be bringing some of those questions to the 1 hour Q&A.


  • All sales are final, no refunds nor cancellations.

  • All sessions before Nov 3rd are EDT, and after are EST.

    July 2nd @ 2pm

    July 9th @ 2pm (Peer Discussion)

    July 15th @ 11am

    July 23rd @ 2pm (Q&A)

    August 5th @ 11am

    August 13th @ 2pm (Peer Discussion)

    August 19th @ 11am

    August 27th @ 2pm (Q&A)

    September 3rd @ 2pm

    September 10th @ 2pm (Peer Discussion)

    September 18th @ 10am

    September 23rd @ 11am (Q&A)

    October 1st @ 2pm

    October 8th @ 2pm (Peer Discussion)

    October 15th @ 2pm

    November 4th @ 10am (Q&A)

    November 5th @ 2pm (Peer Discussion)

    November 12th @ 2pm

    November 19th @ 2pm

    November 26th @ 2pm (Q&A)

    December 3rd @ 2pm

    December 10th @ 2pm

    December 12th @ 2pm (Peer Discussion)

    December 17th @ 2pm (Q&A)

  • No. This is about curiosity and education - and is not meant to diagnose or cure any illnesses.

  • Please note that this program is a public program, meaning the material is not curated for any one individual, but can be applied to many. If you are seeking more direct attention, please consider working with someone 1:1 while taking this program.

  • A blend of somatic experiencing, coaching, self-inquiry, and group sharing.

  • Each meeting is recorded & everyone has access to replays.

Rebuilding your relationship with food changes how your body experiences this Earth, this life, other people, and even itself.⁠

Understanding your food from a relational & somatic lens means you will learn the instinct of eating. You won’t need strict guidelines because your body will be your guide.

You won’t find yourself shaming or judging yourself into eating or not eating certain foods because you will truly understand the roots of your cravings and eating habits.

Together, we will begin repairing our relationship with food so we can see it for what it truly is: an ally, a friend, and a body that supports our bodies on this journey.